Friday, June 14, 2013

Migraine Awareness Month #2 and #14: Thank You for Being a Friend

While I have not been able to participate in this month's blog challenge every day as I had hoped to, there are two challenges that I just have to address.  The first one prompts "Migraine Superheroes: Who in your life goes above and beyond?" and the 14th which prompts "Letters to Julia: Write a letter to someone who has helped you." These are ones that I can't just let slip by me.

I have the most amazing group of friends, and I am so incredibly thankful for them.  I don't think there is any way that they will ever know just how much they mean to me!  They have made sure that someone is with me when I don't feel well enough to be alone. They made sure that I had the funds I needed to take the trip to Jefferson to go into the hospital; and they made sure that I had a card to open every day of two different hospitalizations. They run countless errands for me!  Some have taken off of work to drive me the six hours to Springfield to see my doctor.  They gave me gift cards to restaurants for my birthday so that I could afford to go out to eat with them.  They are willing to come (perfume free) to my house and sit in the dark and watch a movie with me.  They send me cards and texts just to check in with me or give me a boost.  They have literally picked me up when I have fallen down.  These friends epitomize Proverbs 17:17 which says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother/sister is born for adversity."  These people fill me with hope.  They make my life worthwhile.  They make me laugh and let me cry.  They are my dearest gifts from the Lord and help me to see Him more clearly!  I can only hope and pray that I can some day let them each know how dear and important they are to me.  What they probably don't know is that they have two special ringtones on my phone.  They are "You've Got a Friend." Listen to it here.  (Isn't it sad about James Taylor and Carly Simon? - a little inside joke!)  The other one is "Thank You for Being a Friend." Listen to it here.  (Yes, many of us are becoming "golden" friends or should I say a distinguished salt and pepper friend?)  When I say to you "Thank You for Being a Friend," I mean it from the bottom of my heart!

I also have a number of superheroes, but one particular person stands out as Wonder Woman, Super Girl and definitely Cat Woman combined!! My friend Kris is one of the most giving people I have ever known.  What would I do without you, Kris? At great personal expense, she stayed at my home with me for several months when I first became chronic to help me with the many transitions I went through then.  She has gone to countless doctor appointments with me - even flying with me to Philadelphia although she is scared to death of flying.  Sometimes, I think she knows my medical history and my medications better than I do!  She has sat with me in the dark more times than I can count and has let me cry on her shoulder even more times than that!  She probably doesn't know that I know how frequently she emails my friends and family to make them aware of a need that I have.  She is the first one to organize help when I need something.  She has taken countless days off of work to take me to doctor appointments and to Springfield.  She has left work many times to rush to my rescue.  She alone can tell by just one look how I'm really feeling - she always sees behind the mask.  She is my chief "spoon" monitor and urges (nags) me to self-regulate what I do during those times when I'm feeling a bit better.  She puts up with my irritability, my fears, my questions, my tears and my silliness with grace.  With Kris, a simple phone call or text is all that is needed for physical, emotional or spiritual support.  I honestly think that half of the time she reads my mind (a very scary thought and not for the weak of heart!)  Proverbs 18:24 says "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruins, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Or in this case a sister!  Kris, thank you for being that friend who always sticks closer than a sister!

I am so grateful for my circle of friends!!

Listen to Circle of Friends.
This one is for each of you!
Thank you for being my circle of friends!

June 2013, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The 2013 Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is a project of

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Cyn. Where would we all be without our friends? It sounds like you have some particularly great ones!
